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Writer's pictureRaghad Bushnaq

The Night of Records

This month is special and significant for the historical events that happened in it and for the recurring events that happen every year.

Historical Events:

  1. The change of Qibla

  2. The night when the moon split

  3. The revelation of the Salwat verse {Surrly Allah and His angels send blessings to the Prophet. O you who believe, do pray to Allah to bless him, and send your Salam to him in abundance} 33:56

  4. Fasting and Zakat legislated

Recurring Events:

1. The rise of our annual report to Allah

Allah knows every breath and every thought and everything that is happening every second for all of His creatures

{With Him are the keys of the Unseen. No one knows them but He. He knows what is in the land and the sea. No leaf ever falls but that He knows about it, and there is no grain in the dark layers of the earth, or anything fresh or dry that is not recorded in a manifest book} 6:59

This report is for us to be able to reform our deeds, fix our mistakes, correct our wrongdoing, and repair our shortcomings; it even takes deeper insight to know that our sahifa (recode) on the day of resurrection is based on those reports. It is for the angles too; Allah takes pride in us being good believers although we had the choice to be otherwise.

The annual reporting make us pause and reflect, knowing that this is not the only report that rises to Allah every year. The morning shift of angles and the evening shift both submit our daily report; that is why we were advised to be diligent in worship at the time of angles shift change because two sets of angles are witnessing our deeds, meaning that our deeds will be written in our daily sahifa. twice.

Our weekly report rises to Allah every Monday and Thursday, therefore the messenger of Allah used to fast and encouraged us to fast on those two days of every week.

The monthly report rises to Allah on the white days, 13th & 14th & 15th of every lunar month when the sky is brightened by the full moon.

As of our annual report, it will rise to Allah in the month of Sha’ban wrapping up the year to start a new chapter in Ramadan. That requires repentance and checking the list of achievements and the list of shortcomings. It requires a truthful pause of self-accountability.

Omar Ibn Al-Khattab RA said: hold yourself accountable before you will be held accountable, and weigh your deeds before it’s weighed for you

A new year of our records' registry starts right after the 15th of Sha'ban night.

2. The annual release of provisions

Many people think that provision includes finance and money-related matters only. The provision concept in Islam is wider than wealth. It includes health, relationships, marriage related matters, offspring, knowledge, wealth and finances, happiness, friendship, peace of mind, guidance, and more

3. The list of those people whose souls will be rejoining with their Creator is released to 'Izrael AS

Aisha RA asked the prophet PBUH: O messenger of Allah, is Sha’ban the best of the months that you like to fast?

He replied: “Indeed, Allah releases the list of those whom their soul will be rejoining its Creator on that year, so I like to receive my due date while I am in a state of fasting”

Our life length was already written before we even see the light of the Dunia, but 'Izrael AS receives this list in Sha’ban on annual basis, which makes the prophet PBUH increases fasting in Sha’ban.

4. The Night of Mid-Sha'ban or as it's called the night of records because our records rise to Allah on this night

The messenger of Allah PBUH said: “This is the night of mid-Sha’ban. Allah looks at His servants on the night of mid-Sha’ban and forgives those who are seeking forgiveness, has mercy on those seeking mercy, and leaves the bearer of grudges to their grudges” Al-Bukhari

This leaves us speechless! Everyone will be forgiven on that night except two: an idolator, while the second person is that whose hearts are filled with grudges and animosity. For sure many people hold grudges because they were subject to oppression or abuse, while others hold grudges because they are sensitive, and they see themselves as the center of attention at all times. On this night, none of the reasons matter, what matters is the forgiveness or no forgiveness,

Cleansing heart off grudges may not be easy as it sounds but it is not an impossible goal.

Allah’s forgiveness to people of animosity is determined by cleansing their hearts of hatred and spite. Letting go for the sake of the final fate, Janna or otherwise!

{The Day wherein neither wealth nor sons will avail except him who brings to Allah a pure heart} (26:88-89)

The messenger of Allah once said: “the first to enter this door is a man from the inhabitants of paradise” Saydna Saad ibn Abi Waqqas was the first to enter. The companions asked him: what is the special thing that you do to be distinguished with this prophetic Bushra?

He said: "Nothing more than what you do; except that I sleep with a clear pure heart that doesn’t hold any animosity or grudges to anyone"

The messenger of Allah PBUH said: “Allah looks at His creation on the middle night of Sha’ban and forgives the entirety of His creation except for the idolator or someone whose heart is holding malic until they let go” Ibn Majah

Letting go of animosity and cleansing heart off grudges every night is what distinguishes people.

According to Imam AL-Shafi'

"There are five nights when the supplications are accepted by Allah. These are (1) Friday night, (2) Night before Eid-ul-Fitr, (3) Night before Eid-ul-Adha, (4) First night of Rajab and (5) Night of Mid- Shaban."

The mercy of Allah showers on His creatures all year long. Certain seasons have special chances and extra mercy from Allah as if it was set for us to leave us pure of sins only if we expose ourselves to it

Therefor, our beloved prophet taught what to do and how to act during those seasons.

Aishah RA narrated that:

".... He PBUH said: “Indeed Allah, Mighty and Sublime is He, descends to the lowest Heavens during the night of the middle of Shaban, to grant forgiveness to more than the number of hairs on the sheep of (Banu) Kalb.” Al-Tirmithi

The tribe of Kalb was known for owning the biggest livestock at that time referring to the abundant forgiveness of Allah on that night.

Also reported by Aishah RA that the Prophet PBUH spent the middle night of Shaban in extensive prayer to the extent that she thought he had died. Al-Bayhaqi & Al-Tabarani

Our deeds for this night should be as follows:

  • Cleansing the heart of animosity and malic, two things never meet grudges & forgiveness. We must take one and leave the other.

  • Take a Sunna ghusl

  • Pray two Raka’ of Qada’ Haja between Maghreb & Isha’

  • Self-accountable

  • Read Yasin 3 times with specific intention for every time: 1) long life full of piety and good deeds, 2) protection from calamity, 3) being independent with enough provision

  • Say the dua’ of the middle night of Sha’ban one time after every Yasin

  • To ask Allah for your needs, list them all

  • Stay up for Ihya or sleep and wake up few hours before Fajer

  • Supplicate to Allah, pray, read Quran, ask Him for forgiveness, and ask Him for your needs

  • Salawat upon our beloved prophet PBUH

  • Fast the 15th of Sha'ban

We are approaching the month of Ramadan in a couple of weeks. Tonight is the chance to prepare our hearts to be a pure recipient to the mercy of Allah. It is the night that will confirm our reservation in Janna!

Buckle up .. the journey has just started!

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