When the messenger of Allah PBUH came back to Macca from the trip of Isra’ & Mi’raj, the first person he met was his uncle Al-Abbas who has not joined the rows of Muslims yet.
The messenger of Allah PBUH was subject to questioning the reality of his narration, many were unable to understand the nature of this trip, others have doubted the entire story, while steadfast companions performed the ultimate belief and submission to every detail that sounded like a dream to others.
The non-believers verified the narration of the prophet by asking him about the location of their caravan, then asking him about the description of the holy land. They couldn’t agree more with all of his answers, yet they refused to believe.
The prophet PBUH hasn’t told the entire story of his trip right away, he only told few details on that day to an extent where the human’s recognition can afford. It's just like the baby in his mother's womb don't recognize the nature of the world that he will be born to, the people couldn't recognize the nature of the unseen future and final destination of theirs.
The messenger of Allah came back with a divine gift, the prayer, that was reduced from 50 prayers to 5 prayers per day. 5 prayers to be rewarded as 50 if it is performed in the proper manner of ablution, heart presence, and tranquility. This gift is our mini mi’raj to Allah every day!
It is important to be mentioned that Salat before the mi’raj was twice a day, two rak’a in the morning and two rak’a in the evening without tashahud in its form that we know because tashahud was the salutation dialog between Allah Almighty and His messenger PBUH at the trip of the Mi'raj. Allah honored us by saying this salutation in our daily salat. How sentimental is to remember the moment of that meeting in heaven every salat!
Five prayers, 2 rak’a each, until after the hijra to Madina, only then the change of rak’as number has changed to become the way that is known to us now.
The qibla was towards Jerusalem so the messenger of Allah uses to stand in a way where the Ka’ba is between him and Al-Aqsa. Later when he immigrated to Madina, he was longing to Ka’ba and seeking Allah’s permission to face the it in his salat.
{We have been seeing you turning your face to the heavens. So, We will certainly assign to you a Qiblah that you would like. Now, turn your face in the direction of the Sacred Mosque (Al-Masjid-ul-Harām), and (O Muslims), wherever you are, turn your faces in its direction} 2:144
That morning Jibril AS visited the prophet to teach him the right way to perform Salat and when to perform it. Jibril AS led the prophet in salat while the prophet led the companions. Jibril AS led the prophet PBUH in Thuher then Asr then Maghreb and then Isha’.
Facts and Lessons:
Another chest incision was operated on the messenger of Allah PBUH right before this divine trip in an attempt of preparation to the meeting with Almighty Allah, the thing that explains wudu before salat. We know that salat without wudu is not accepted, because this recurring meeting and mini mi’raj to the Almighty requires taharah.
Salat was the only worship that was legislated in the 7th sky without a message carrier, that reflects the importance of this obligation comparing to other obligations.
Salat in the language means:
Salat is the connection between you and the Almighty Allah, this connection warms your heart and burns your sins.
Salat teaches us the importance of time, the performance of salat on time manages our daily schedule and enhances its efficiency. Arranging our daily agenda around prayer times would bring more baraka in time, health, and reward. Performing salat at the beginning of the time is called in fiqh: time of excellence for its high reward.
Missing salat on time should be an alarming sign that requires a person to review his priorities and the validity of his actions between halal, haram, and shubha.
Missing an obligatory salat should NOT pass by without holding oneself accountable to the wrongdoing that was committed which caused one to be disadvantaged and deprived.
Performing salat on time is enough reason to enter Janna because salat prevents one from indecency and wickedness.
{Recite what has been revealed to you of the Book and establish prayer. Indeed, genuine prayer should deter one from indecency and wickedness. The remembrance of Allah is ˹an˺ even greater deterrent. And Allah ˹fully˺ knows what you all do} 29:45
If salat does not prevent the praying person from indecency he should review his repentance and the application of the pillars and conditions which determine the acceptance of our salat.
The messenger of Allah said: "Whoever his prayer does not restrain him from shameful and unjust deeds, it is as if he had not prayed"
Performing salat on time is an indicator to the acceptance of Allah to all deeds that you performed because standing in between the hands of Allah 5 times a day is an honor that is granted to those who deserve it. This act of worship resembles the tarbiya that increases us in rank and elevate our status in dunia & akhira.
The cherry on the cake is the jama’a prayer that multiplies the prayer by 27. When a mother prays with her daughter or a young man lead his siblings in prayer, or a man/woman prays behind the imam in the masjid; they are rewarded for 27 salat.
Salat in jama’a unites the hearts as it unites the rows. It gives the community the chance to be on the same page on regard of the general and personal matters. It enables them to be constructive and helpful as a group.
Performing salat on time means a person is in a continuous state of wudu, the messenger of Allah could hear the footsteps of Saydna Bilal RA in heaven.
He asked him: “O Bilal, tell of the best deed you did after embracing Islam, for I heard your footsteps in front of me in paradise” Bilal replied: I didn’t do anything worth mentioning except that whenever I perform ablution during the day or night, I pray after that ablution as much as was written for me.
You may think staying in a state of taharah is insignificant! But this deed was worth reserving a seat for Saydna Bilal in Janna. In fact, the continuous state of taharah arms you against evil and wrongdoing and it indicates the level of your Iman.
The messenger of Allah PBUH said: “adhere to righteousness even though you will not be able to do all the acts of virtue, know that the best of your deeds are in salat and that no one maintains his ablution except a believer “
Salat is the only pillar of Islam which has no substitute, neither any excuse is acceptable to pardon a person from performing it other than lack of sanity or sleeping.
A sick person with a chronic disease can give penance for every day that he can't fast but he is still obligated to do his 5 prayers on time. A poor person is pardoned of giving zakat but he is not pardoned of performing salat. A person who lacks physical and financial ability to perform hajj is forgiven of performing this pillar but not forgiven if he does not pray on time.
A sick person can perform his salat sitting, if he can’t then he should perform it laying down facing the qibla, if his illness prevents him from doing so, he should nod his head for standing, ruku’, and sujood, if he can’t then he should pray with his eyes; but he is not allowed to give penance for not praying.
Prayer is an obligation that is not written off until a person blows his last breath out and submit his soul to its Creator.
For all of that, Allah has demanded His messenger PBUH to attend in person and receive this obligation that he PBUH considered the best gift that he ever has received.
He PBUH used to stand in prayer whenever a matter afflicted him. In prayer he vents all of his worries and tribulations and puts it in the hands of Allah to solve it for him and finds him an exit out of everything that is saddening him.
The messenger of Allah PBUH has always told Bilal RA: “comfort us with it, O Bilal”
In other times he stands in prayer as an act of gratefulness to Allah.
Aisha RA once saw the swollen feet of the messenger after long hours of salat at night and said: haven’t Allah forgave all of your sins? The past and the late? The messenger of Allah PBUH replied: “shouldn’t I be a thankful servant”
When we change our perspective and understanding of salat from a habitual exercise to a need and expiator and elevator; only then we will start to taste the fruits of the salat, the sweetness that was described by those who were well connected to the Creator.
If you love Allah ..
If you fear Allah ..
If you need Allah ..
If you seek Allah’s forgiveness …
If you are grateful to what Allah bestowed you …
If your soul aspires to its mi’raj …….
Stand in prayer
